Monday, October 1, 2012

Crispy Parmesan Asparagus

I don't know about you, but when I think about asparagus, I don't usually think about putting it in the oven. But that's exactly what this recipe called for.

And let me tell you...It. Was. Awesome.Like seriously awesome. So awesome, in fact, that I made it twice within a week.

This was another recipe that I found on Pinterest and it came originally from How Sweet It Is.

I was so excited when I made it the second time I forgot to take a picture of the ingredients. Oops!

Here's what you would need though for the recipe:
1 bunch of asparagus
Egg whites (the recipe called for 2, but I ended up needing 3)
1/4 cup flour
1 cup of panko breadcrumbs
1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
salt and pepper

You can see the full recipe here.

Now I am going to warn you now. This recipe is MESSY!! My biggest suggestion is to split the dry ingredients up into two batches because the mixture got goopy pretty fast. That might be my lack of skills, but regardless I think the two batches would make the whole process easier.

I probably should have cooked it a bit longer until it browned more, but it was still yummy and crispy. Even my dad liked them and he is super picky about vegetables. This one made The Book :)

Oh and a quick word of caution. I made the mistake of microwaving leftover spears and they were mushy. I would reheat them in the oven or a toaster and I'm sure they would be wonderful!

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